It was a "Dark Knight" here in Gotham City. Batman and I were busy "fighting crime" while our little Joker spent the night "wreaking havoc" on the citizens of Gotham City. She was terrorizing them left and right with her hideously scarred smile, her fear inducing laugh and her incessant questioning......
We had been commissioned (by the commissioner of course) to "take care" of our little Joker. He wanted his citizens to enjoy their Halloween Knight. But hard as we tried, we couldn't locate the little Jokers whereabouts. She was a clever one, a "better class of criminal".
Then...all of a sudden...we heard a noise behind us....we turned around...and.......
....came face to face with her!!! She was smiling right at us!!!
"Holy funny bone...it's the Joker, Batman!", I said, "What should we do?"
"I'll tell you what you WON'T do" she said, "You won't kill me out of some misplaced sense of self-righteousness. And I won't kill you, because you're just too much fun. I think you and I are destined to do this forever!"
"KILL you? ", Batman said, " I could NEVER kill you because....you see...I AM YOUR FATHER!" (I know, different movie...but you still didn't see it coming)
Tune in next time to see how Robynn (spelled like a girl) comes to terms with her daughter, the Joker. (Let me tell ya, THAT'S something I am destined to do forever!!)
Same bat time....same bat channel.
Here's hoping you all had a "smile on your face" this Halloween!!