Monday, November 28, 2011

The time to give thanks

For Thanksgiving this year, we headed back to Utah to celebrate with family.

Thanksgiving was a little different for us this year. Because of our families absence from Utah, Sami doesn't get the opportunity to spend a lot of time with her Dad, Mike, and his family. So since we were coming into town, she got to spend Thanksgiving Day with them and had such a good time!

Well, since we were without her for Thanksgiving Day (which by the way is something I hate about being divorced...but whatcha gonna do, right?),we went with my parents and my moms parents to eat a Thanksgiving feast at Little America in Salt Lake. It was so much fun!! I mean, we got to eat an incredible meal without having to prepare it or clean-up after it!! BONUS!!!

The "crew" at Little America
My Grandma made these for everyone...I think I was supposed to take it home and eat it, but I didn't. I devoured it right there in Little America!


Such a pretty salad...I had to take a pic

Remember that "Thanksgiving Feast" I mentioned before? HERE IT IS!!! Turkey and the works!!

Oh and this WAS dessert...
Afterwards, Brock and I went to spend time (and eat more food) with his Mom and Dad and their families. Unfortunately, I didn't take any pics of that. But I will say this...Brock's mom made Sweet Potato Pie!! Enough said!! It is like my favorite recipe for Thanksgiving. Can't have a Thanksgiving without it.

Also, Brock's step-mom, Mary Jo, makes the best desserts. I think I had a taste of all 5 that she made this year. So yummy!

The food was delicious everywhere we went on Thanksgiving, but my favorite part was to be with our family. We sure miss all of you!!

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