Wednesday, September 14, 2011

He YEARNS to learn

My husband...the student.

1st day of school (he REALLY didn't want me to take this pic)

If a person could make a living by being a "professional student" for the rest of their life...Brock would seriously consider THAT as his career.  He really enjoys everything that goes with school! The writing, the researching, the reading, the deadlines. He thrives on deadlines. And he juggles it all very well. SO WELL in fact, that I find myself in constant awe of his state of mind. I KNOW I would be a wreck if I were carrying the same load, and probably not a very fun person to be around either.

But not fact, as I am posting this, he is in the kitchen helping Sami clean-up dinner and whistling, "Have I done any good in the world today". 
 That's just him...
My husband...

The happy-to-help-even-though-I-have-more-to-do-than-even-I-know-what-to-do-with-it-student.

1 comment:

Mommy! said...

And the man can wear pink......

He is pretty awesome!